Round 56: Post Hip Hop? Or Return of the Boom Bap!
This Round was curated by William Córdova who seeks to explore how the work of eleven artists and their respective practices are shaped and informed by rhythm, syncopation, harmonic proportions, and the metaphysical concepts of musica universalis.
The featured artists in this round are
Yanira Collado (b. Brooklyn, NY)
Sofía Córdova (b. Carolina, Puerto Rico)
Nathaniel Donnett (b. Houston, TX)
Luis Gispert (b. Jersey City, NJ)
André Leon Gray (b. Raleigh, NC)
Rashawn Griffin (b. Los Angeles, CA)
N. Masani Landfair (b. Chicago, IL)
Lee Quiñones (b. Ponce, Puerto Rico)
Kabuya Pamela Bowens-Saffo (b. Miami, FL)
Onajide Shabaka (b. Cincinnati, OH)
Tomas Vu (b. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Artist “Porch Talks” took place from 3-4PM on Saturday, March 16th, 2024, followed by the Opening + Community Market from 4-7PM. Artist Round 56 remained on view until Sunday, June 2, 2024.
Round 56: Post Hip Hop? Or Return of the Boom Bap! was funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts.