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PaperCity: Houston’s Famed Project Row Houses Celebrate a Major Milestone

Full article by Mathew Ramirez and Catherine Anspon

What: Project Row Houses’ 25th Anniversary Gala

Where: Cherie Flores Garden Pavilion and Celebration Gardens at Hermann Park

PC Moments: Commemorating a quarter-century mixing community development and showcasing cutting-edge and/or emerging talent, Project Row Houses toasted to its 25th anniversary with more than 270 supporters and devotees in attendance. PRH’s innovative concept — co-founded by Rick Lowe  who has been recognized with a MacArthur “Genius” Grant for birthing Row Houses — has seen the nonprofit climb from humble beginnings in the Third Ward to the front of Houston’s art scene, while garnering respect nationally and across the pond. (For more about PRH’s 25-year ascent, read PaperCity‘s exclusive profiles with three women who steer it now, here.)

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