PRH is excited to offer some programs and workshops on site and around the community in the coming month. Saturday, May 4th will be the culmination ceremony for “Benches by Trees by Youth,” a partnership between PRH and the Glassell School of Art.
High school seniors will unveil the one-of-a-kind benches they have created over the course of this program to the public and celebrate their dedication and hard work over the semester.
About the program:
Benches By Trees By Youth is a 14-week program that knits together the Houston Park district, youth, and elders from Third Ward, Museum of Fine Arts Houston as well as its’ Glassell School of Art. Working in conjunction with Third Ward, Project Row Houses has identified high school students to participate in a special furniture-making class offered at the Glassell School of Art. This college-level curriculum, in collaboration with St. Thomas, will be documented on an official transcript earning each student 3 college credits. This class has focused on the technical mastery of woodworking, basic business practices for artisans, and cultural awareness and appreciation. The students have transformed the locally grown and milled lumber into wooden benches under the tutelage of a master woodworker, J. Hill.
For the past 14 Saturday mornings, a shuttle van driven by Brian Ellison, Education Program Manager at Project Row Houses has safely transported participating students from Project Row Houses to the Glassell School of Art. Christelyn, the Classroom Facilitator, was present for each van ride and remained in class at the Glassell School of Art with students for social and emotional learning support.
Final Project:
Students formed three teams to complete the assigned final project—a bespoke bench. Mastery of woodworking techniques and basic digital rendering are showcased in the creation of these unique pieces. The three completed benches will be unveiled in a culminating procession, symbolizing the students’ technical proficiency in the skills learned throughout the course. This 14-week class will culminate in a ceremonial procession with participants and the benches from the Glassell to the MFAH. The youth will present these bespoke benches to the elders from Third Ward who will, in turn, supervise their placement in the museum.