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Artsy: How Black Artists, Dealers, and Collectors Are Boosting the Careers of Their Younger Peers

Full article by Antwaun Sargent

Of course, the rise of black-owned spaces has impact far beyond the market, and many prominent non-profit spaces, such as Rick Lowe’s Houston-based Project Row Houses and artist Mark Bradford’s Los Angeles-based Art + Practice, are positioned as “social sculpture,” an expanded concept of art coined by the German Fluxus artist Joseph Beuys, who sought to use art to address societal issues. The Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates described his 20,000-square-foot art space, library, and cultural center Stony Island Arts Bank, in the city’s low-income and largely African-American South Side, as “a demonstration of our self-reliance, self-determinism, and worth.”

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