Have unwanted clothes? Round 54 Artists Naomi Lemus (@naomilemuss) and Victoria Ravelo(@leekrasner) are seeking used clothing for their art installation.
Be a part of a project highlighting undervalued histories and threads of shared experiences in our communities. The artists will be collecting items until September 30th.
For more about the project visit: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1ATx-qcEHxkky0BAhmZ8VaT__bponzIWgh-wYF4LTddU/mobilebasic
Fill out form to donate: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezqPvI7zaMq7sRX-fJNwyCtHNUOvKpAJtcjenKTbEDTyT35w/viewform
Contact: Naomi Lemus at 713-701-9631 and murmuration.prh@gmail.com.