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Summer Studios 2015: Sula Bermudez

My name is Sula Bermudez. I just graduated from Bard College in New York, and I’m originally from Los Angeles.   

Before Project Row Houses started [the row houses] would have like multiple families in them at once, so I thought about the living space and what would go in the living space, and primarily it would be a place to sleep at night. So, I decided to create beds and have multiple beds because of how many people would live here.   I hope that it will be more like a maze, so it will be all over, and people will walk around, through them.   

I’m working primarily with textiles, so knit, embroidery, fabric. A lot of found objects.. Quotes that have been said to me throughout my life that are kind of silly to deal with.. Quotes that I’ve had to deal with people not understanding the differences between race, ethnicity, and nationality. So they were put on an American flag because I’m American and my parents are American, but I’m constantly asked whats your nationality, and when I say American, people ask “But where are you really from?”

About Sula Bermudez
Sula Bermudez-Silverman is a recent graduate of Bard College whose work deals with issues of domesticity, class, race, gender, public vs. private space, and human psychology through written word, textiles, and found objects. For Summer Studios, Sula hopes to expand on a project previous created for her senior thesis show: a physical recreation of her childhood home in a fiber/textile installation that explores multi-faceted aspects of individual identity and incorporates textual and sculptural elements.

About Summer Studios
Summer Studios was developed to provide an opportunity for emerging artists to create and exhibit work that responds to, engages with, and/or is reflective of community. This program is open to seven art students and emerging artists, nominated by professors and selected by a panel of professional artists. Summer Studios is open to artists who are interested in making art in an urban community setting, engaging with the PRH/Third Ward Community and interacting with established Houston-based artists.

Video by PRH Intern Valerio Farris

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