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Post-Harvey Update

Project Row Houses had planned to host Celebration at Emancipation, a lunch honoring our renewing members and welcoming new ones, on Friday, September 29, 2017. 

In the wake of Harvey, and cognizant of the intensive and ongoing recovery needs throughout our city, Project Row Houses felt it would be counterproductive to plan a celebration with so many urgent needs. 

While spared the worst of the flooding, Project Row Houses and the surrounding neighborhood did not come through unscathed. We sustained damage to two of our buildings that will require significant repairs. Reflecting on what happened in the wake of both Hurricane Ike and Tropical Storm Allison, we know that the city’s charitable priorities will temporarily shift away from causes not directly engaged in shorter-term recovery work. 

Project Row Houses continues to need support, however, as the long-term transformation of Third Ward remains critical both to our community’s recovery from this storm and its ability to weather those we know will come in the future. 

We are asking those who have already pledged to support the event to honor their commitment so that we can remain fiscally stable during this challenging time and understand that some may not wish to do so. 

Thank you for your understanding of the need to cancel our celebration. We hope to host a community update for the Third Ward this fall and are already looking forward to fall of 2018 for The Celebration at Emancipation Gala, which will mark the 25th anniversary of Project Row Houses. 

Eureka Gilkey
Executive Director

We Empower People
And Communities
Through Engagement, Art
& Direct Action.