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Great God Pan Is Dead: Biting the Hand that Feeds You as Institutional Critique

Project Row Houses gets a brief yet pleasant nod from Robert Boyd in his article “Biting the Hand that Feeds You as Institutional Critique.”
Discussing Carrie Schneider’s current exhibition at CAMH as part of Right Here, Right Now: Houston, Boyd looks at Schneider’s take on institutionalized institutions and their treatment of artists. In his conclusion, Boyd states:

Schneider is critical of the CAMH that is, and she has a vision of what the CAMH could be–her vision is related to Barthelme’s vision and Adler’s vision. The question is, will anything change? I am dubious–time institutionalizes institutions. Sclerosis sets in. The CAMH serves a purpose as it is. To me, it seems up to others to create new institutions or frameworks to operate in the ways Adler described. What the CAMH no longer does (if they ever did), Project Row Houses does. (And what PRH doesn’t do, Alabama Song might.) It seems unlikely that the CAMH will ever be a radical institution again at this stage in its existence. Not impossible, but unlikely. Nonetheless, it was truly a pleasure to witness Schneider’s masterful ninja attack on the very institution housing her exhibit.”

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