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Round 29

THUNDERBOLT SPECIAL: The Great Electric Show and Dance

On October 11, 2009 the artists presented the THUNDERBOLT SPECIAL performance. This performance was an interwoven variety of music, ritual, spoken word and video celebrating the life and art of Lightnin’ Hopkins. Featured were the artists members Lone Wolf Recital Corps, Blanche Bruce, The Sacred Order of the Twilight Brothers and the Anti-Formalist Reclamation Organization. The performance groups are composed of the visual artists who participated in Round 29.

A second focus of the Round was to address the unfortunate truth that although Sam Lightnin’ Hopkins was one of the most prolific and highly acclaimed blues musicians in the world, having recorded 120 albums during his lifetime, there is not a single monument or plaque in his adopted city of Houston, denoting his achievements and contributions to the cultural climate of the city or to his worldwide fame.

This group of artists began a public campaign to remedy this oversight by creating individual proposals for permanent public memorials to be erected at various sites in Houston. These proposals were placed in Project Row Houses archives and are available to the city for future projects.

Viewing Period
October 11, 2008-March 1, 2009


  • Terry Adkins

  • James Andrew Brown

  • Sherman Fleming

  • Charles Gaines

  • George Smith

  • El Franco Lee II (Two Story Exhibition)

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