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NYMag Mention: Love Up Guns Down

Referenced by artist Killy Kilford of his project in Newark, PRH gets a mention in NYMag’s article “Can Happy Street Signs Solve Newark’s Crime Problem? by Abraham Riesman.

Pasternak and others point to a well-publicized success in the Social Practice movement, a Houston-based initiative called Project Row Houses. Led by artist-activist Rick Lowe, Project Row Houses has worked for more than 20 years to invite local African-American artists to turn abandoned houses in the impoverished Third Ward into art spaces. It’s received critical acclaim, become a model for Social Practice projects throughout the country, and made Lowe a trusted partner of the Houston city government.

Pasternak drew a direct parallel between Project Row Houses and Love Up Guns Down’s anti-crime goals. “Did Project Row Houses have a profound impact on the children of the community? No question. Can I tell you that they didn’t end up in crime directly because of Project Row Houses? No, you can’t know that for sure,” she said. “But the alternative is to do nothing and be part of the systemic disinvestment from these communities.”

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