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Huffington Post: How Artists Are Using Row Houses To Empower Citizens In Houston

Full Article by Priscilla Frank

In the 1970s, conceptual artist Joseph Beuys gave a series of lectures about his theory on social sculpture; mainly, that life is art, people are artists, and we all have the power to mold and shape aspects of our lives creatively.

“My objects are to be seen as stimulants for the transformation of the idea of sculpture, or of art in general,” Beuys explained in 1979. “They should provoke thoughts about what sculpture can be and how the concept of sculpting can be extended to the invisible materials used by everyone.”

The idea may sound, well, conceptual at first — as in lofty, quixotic and difficult to apply to the logistical problems of everyday life. But with the Houston-based Project Row Houses, artist Rick Lowe proved how wrong that interpretation is. 

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